Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I advertise in Colorado Springs KIDS Magazine?
2. I’d like to advertise but don’t know how to create an ad. Can you help with this?
3. Can I pay for my ad with a credit card?
4. What are the deadlines for Colorado Springs KIDS Magazine?
5. How do I get an event listed in the Monthly Calendar of Events and is there a charge associated with it?
6. Does Colorado Springs KIDS Magazine accept article submissions?
7. I have a photo that I’d like to be considered for use on your cover. How do I go about doing this?
8. Where can I find a copy of Colorado Springs KIDS Magazine?
9. I subscribed to Colorado Springs KIDS Magazine but haven’t gotten my first issue yet. When should I expect it?
10. I’d like to be considered as a distribution point for Colorado Springs KIDS Magazine. How do I go about this?
1. How can I advertise in Colorado Springs KIDS Magazine?
For information on advertising with us, click here.
2. I’d like to advertise but don’t know how to create an ad. Can you help with this?
Yes, we can help you put an ad together for publication in our magazine. Give a little thought to how you’d like your ad to read and email us the copy. Also email us any logos or graphics you want included in your ad. If you don’t have any graphics, we may be able to provide some. We will email you a proof of your ad for inspection before it goes to print.
3. Can I pay for my ad with a credit card?
Yes, we accept MaterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover Card & PayPal. Please call or email us to arrange payment by credit card.
4. What are the deadlines for Colorado Springs KIDS Magazine?
The deadline for editorial submissions (events, listings and articles) is the 10th of the month prior to the publication month, (i.e. January 10th for the February issue). The deadline for digital ads is the 15th of the month.
5. How do I get an event listed in the Monthly Calendar of Events and is there a charge associated with it?
You can email your event to us by clicking here. There is not a charge for listing your event in the calendar, however, only paid advertisers are guaranteed that there listings will be published. All others are published on a space available and editorial decision basis.
6. Does Colorado Springs KIDS Magazine accept article submissions?
Yes. We will publish articles that we feel have educational and/or entertainment value to our readers. We recommend that your article length be approximately 500 words. All submissions will become the property of Colorado Springs KIDS Magazine and will not be returned.
7. I have a photo that I’d like to be considered for use on your cover. How do I go about doing this?
We have occasionally used reader submitted photos for our cover. If you have a photo you’d like for us to consider, please email a copy to contactus@coloradospringskids.com. The photo should have kids in it, be well lighted and vertically oriented (portrait style) or be able to be cropped to vertical. The minimum usable size should be 7 ½ inches top to bottom and 5 ¼ inches left to right, (2250 x 1575 pixels at 300 dpi). We will need the photographer and any people pictured in the photo to sign releases. All submissions will become the property of Colorado Springs KIDS Magazine and will not be returned.
8. Where can I find a copy of Colorado Springs KIDS Magazine?
You can find a distribution location on our website by clicking here. You'll be directed to a map of the Pike's Peak region. Click on the area where you'd like to find a copy of Colorado Springs KIDS.
9. I subscribed to Colorado Springs KIDS Magazine but haven’t gotten my first issue yet. When should I expect it?
Subscriptions are mailed out the last week of the month for the following month, (i.e. the February issue is mailed out the last week of January).
10. I’d like to be considered as a distribution point for Colorado Springs KIDS Magazine. How do I go about this?
Please call or email us so we can evaluate adding you as a distribution point. Please let us know your address and approximately how many magazines you feel would be picked up each month at your location.